2016 Summer Photo Contest
Grand Prize
- “Peak of the Downpour”
大矢根 島武 (Miki)
- “Peak of the Downpour”
First Prize
- “Island Post Officer”
大矢根 島武 (Miki)
- “Island Post Officer”
- “Color a Summer Night”
佐伯 登 (Ehime)
- “Color a Summer Night”
- “We’ll See the Sea Fireflies Soon”
曽根 真利子 (Takamatsu)
- “We’ll See the Sea Fireflies Soon”
- “Early Summer Onion Field”
石角 尚義 (Mitoyo)
- “Early Summer Onion Field”
Runners Up
- “The Beautiful Form of Chichibugahama Beach”
大矢根 島武 (Miki)
- “The Beautiful Form of Chichibugahama Beach”
- “An Offering of Fireworks from Tsushima”
三島 利幸 (Kan-onji)
- “An Offering of Fireworks from Tsushima”
- “Spider Lilies Color the Shore”
神原 昇 (Mitoyo)
- “Spider Lilies Color the Shore”
- “Early Autumn”
大西 ヨシノ (Kan-onji)
- “Early Autumn”
- “Chichibugahama Evening”
横山 雪子 (Kan-onji)
- “Chichibugahama Evening”
- “Onion Fields as Far as the Eye Can See”
横山 雪子 (Kan-onji)
- “Onion Fields as Far as the Eye Can See”
- “Tsutajima Island Dyed by the Sunset”
大坪 邦仁 (Utazu)
- “Tsutajima Island Dyed by the Sunset”
- “Shoreline Dyed Scarlet”
大坪 邦仁 (Utazu)
- “Shoreline Dyed Scarlet”
- “Dusk”
大坪 邦仁 (Utazu)
- “Dusk”
- “Tsushimabashi Bridge at Evening Calm”
石角 尚義 (Mitoyo)
- “Tsushimabashi Bridge at Evening Calm”